Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Facebook: The Great Connector

Post 3 has taught me an interesting thing. If you take 20 18-19-year-olds from different places across the state or different parts of the country, and put them in an English class together, you will find that they at least one thing in common. They all have Facebook accounts.
It’s pretty interesting that regardless of who you are, to be a young adult in America today you must have a Facebook account. What’s even more interesting, which I’m finding out right now, is that despite of Facebook’s unreal popularity, Microsoft Word 2007 doesn’t recognize it as a word. Just thought that was strange, that’s all.

Regardless of who you are, if you use the web you probably do so for a variety of reasons. This is shown by the p3 exercise. Many individuals in my English class used the internet for various reasons. These include entertainment, information, or even information about entertainment. Saying what one does on the internet doesn’t really define one’s personality. Saying where one does it however speaks volumes about their personality.

What was interesting about post 3 is the rather simple notion that one’s internet habits help define who they are. If you are interested in celebrity gossip, the fact that you visited Perez Hilton’s site is indicative of that. If you like music, the fact that you visited Pandora or the iTunes store illustrates that as well. For me personally, I love sports, and the fact that I spend’s website reflects that aspect of my personality.

P3 has shown us that we all have unique internet habits, just as we all have unique personalities. Where I go and what I do online and how much time I spend there, while perhaps similar to many others, is really only unique to me. The P3 exercise shows how we are all different, but all very much alike at the same time. While we have our unique combination of websites that we visit, at the end of the day we all still have Facebook, too.

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