Monday, September 21, 2009

I Need to Come up With a Better Title For the Last Post

I’ve learned something about me writing after doing these blog posts. Regardless of the topic, I simply cannot come up with a good title. Even the title of my blog is about as lame and generic as you could think of. Fortunately for me the writing we have been doing is analytical as opposed to creative. Because in terms of creativity, “Allan Mathis’ Blog” doesn’t really compete with “Words in the Machine” or “A Temporary Record of my Sporadic Thoughts”, or even “Who Poisoned the Grapes?”. (If you find out Christian let me know.)

The most surprising thing about these blog posts, apart from the realization that I am the least original title-giver ever, is how short exactly 250 words is. With this post being an exception, all of my posts have easily exceeded 250 words. I’ve learned that developing and elaborating on ideas simply takes more than 250 words, or that I may need to work on becoming a more concise writer, one or the other.

I don’t believe that my web habits have changed, with the obvious exception that I’ve spent more time blogging for English classes than I have in the past. While my habits may remain the same as they were before, I am more aware of how the internet has affected my life. Before this class I would read a news article online, now I will read a news article online and think about how the internet has affected the newspaper industry, the potential pros and cons of citizen journalism, and the inherent drawbacks of the marketization of the news industry.

For the most part, however, my attitude toward reading and writing on the web hasn’t really changed. I’m more informed about theories of the likes of Carr, Sullivan and Hedges, but this newfound awareness hasn’t affected what sites I visit or how exactly I should interpret them.


  1. I told who poisoned the grapes in my first post: nobody

  2. I know what you mean about being unable to thing of good titles. Mine have been so unoriginal it is slightly embarassing. It's difficult to represent everything you want to say in a few eye-catching words. I've also noticed that it is impossible to express myself in less than 250 words. Maybe we just talk too much? My internet habits have not really changed either, but I have also begun to read with a heightened awareness of the social impact that the internet has on our society.
