Sunday, September 6, 2009

Only a Few Months Until Basketball Season

Here are my internet habits. These were recorded from Sep 4-5.

Day 1
8:56 - Read MSN article about companies that have bad reputations for some reason or another. I didn't know that Nestle tried to sue Ethiopia or that Citigroup bought a $50 million jet after recieving bailout cash.

9:03 - - A football player from Oregon punched someone from Boise State! HA! What's great is that he was involved in a pre-game "sportsmanship" event. Couldn't be funnier.

9:09 - Just checked my bank account balance online, it's great that I'll never have to balance a checkbook because of technology. Who ever said the internet was making us lazy?

9:11 - Made an ill-fated attempt at research for a humanities mega-paper due in a couple weeks

9:39 - I checked facebook, saw nothing interesting, and got offline.

11:17 - I just emailed my biology professor telling him that the bio major that's running the SI meetings decided not to show up without telling anyone. Kids these days!

11:21 - Read article by my favorite sports columnist about something barely related to sports

11:47 - Offline

3:35 - Facebook

3:45 - Listened to podcast by my favorite sports columnist on something thats only slightly more related to sports

7:36 - - seems to be a recurring theme

7:53 - Offline for the day

Day 2
9:47 - - it seems like I can't go too long without checking these two sites expecting to see something new and interesting, however most of the time I'm left disappointed.

10:02 - Twitter - read tweets from my favorite sports columnist that actually involve sports!

10:05 - Back over to - found article predicting outcomes for next year's NBA season, the article underwhelms me but at least its something to read. Only a few months until basketball season!

10:12 - Offline

2:17 - I came home and saw that my dad left a game of Bejeweled up on the family computer. I made sure he wasn't looking and started playing. I lost relatively quickly and began to hope that his old age will help him forget that he still had a game open.

2:35 - Read Courier-Journal online and laughed at the positive spin they're trying to put on UofL's football season.

2:51 - Checked both my personal and UofL email accounts and saw nothing new. No one loves me.

3:01 - Facebook. Again.

3:15 - Did some more research for my humanities mega-paper that's coming up. The paper is a critique of a scholarly article on anything we've done in class. Fortunately for me, we've watched The Godfather in class, so that's fair game. I love college, I get to write a paper on a film I've watched 150 times. Found this video while doing my "research":

3:35 -, again.

3:46 - Offline for awhile

11:34 - On facebook and feeling slightly embarassed that I go to UofL after witnessing the football game. I do some research on Indiana State, to try to find out if they're as bad as they look. The Verdict? They are. Indiana State has lost 52 out of its last 53 games. So basically, Indiana state, arguably the worst football team in the country, was beating Louisville at one point tonight. I spend my facebook time telling anyone who will listen that we need to go out as a mob, grab the pitchforks and torches, and demand that Jurich fires Kragthorpe. Only a few months until basketball season.

11:47 - Watch, which is a lovely little website where you can watch live sports from your computer. Perfect, now I know I'm going to waste even more time watching sports. I watch LSU play the University of Washington because I forgot what a real football game looks like. I still smell like the Krap I just witnessed at Papa John's stadium.

12:00 - Get offline and try to go to sleep. Only a few months until basketball season.


  1. *grins* Don't like sports or anything, do we, Allan?

    Wonderfully laid out and organized. Your descriptions made me laugh. :-D

  2. Allan, our internet habits may be quite alike. I, too, enjoy the wonders of checking scores and watching sports online. As for twitter, I follow Rebecca Lobo, she's pretty funny when she talks about her husband and kids, even though that's not sports related.

  3. Fun post, Allan. I didn't know Indiana State was that bad.
